Znaleziono: 893
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De Profundis The Ballad of Reading Gaol & Other Writings

Autor: Oscar Wilde
Wydawca: Wordsworth
De Profundis is Wilde's eloquent and bitter reproach from prison to his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. He contrasts his behaviour with that of his close friend Robert Ross who became Wilde's literary ...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,00 zł
21,00 zł


Autor: Julian Barnes
Wydawca: Vintage
Seria: Vintage Minis
When it comes to death, is there ever a best case scenario? In this disarmingly witty book, Julian Barnes confronts our unending obsession with the end. He reflects on what it means to miss God, wh...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
18,00 zł

Decibel 2 Zeszyt ćwiczeń

Wydawca: Didier
Kolorowy zeszyt ćwiczeń dla gimnazjalistów uzupełniający materiał zawarty w każdym z podrozdziałów podręcznika Decibel. Ukierunkowany na intensywną pracę nad rozwijaniem umiejętności ...
Książka (kartonowa foliowana)
do koszyka
16,00 zł

Democratic Thought in the Age of Globalization

Wydawca: UMCS
The idea of democracy which emerged in the Athenian polis constitutes a major determinant of social and political life at the and of the 20th and the begining of the 21st century. Both indirect and...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
16,13 zł
31,50 zł

Detektyw Tufnell i Balon

Wydawca: Novae Res
Detektyw Tufnell i jego pies Balon mają za zadanie odnaleźć zaginioną muszlę ślimaka. W tym celu spróbują przeprowadzić dokładny wywiad z jej właścicielem, który… ma niestety p...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
7,39 zł
29,00 zł


Wydawca: Wordsworth
In 1869 a young Russian was strangled, shot through the head and thrown into a pond. His crime? A wish to leave small group of violent revolutionaries, from which he had become alienated. Dostoevsk...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
19,68 zł
21,00 zł

Diamond as Big as the Ritz & Other Stories

Wydawca: Wordsworth
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz is an ominous fable about the pursuit of great wealth. Readers will be transported to a fabulous fantasy land of such opulence that its very existence has to remain a...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,00 zł
21,00 zł

Dichroscopes Made Easy

The "RIGHT-WAY" Guide to Using Gem Identification Tools
Explains in non-technical terms how to use the dichroscope to identify colored gems, and how to separate natural gems from imitations, treated gemstones, synthetics, and look-alikes. The approach i...
do koszyka
19,70 zł

Dieux et heros de la mythologie grecque

Wydawca: Librio
Pourquoi Zeus, à peine marié, a-t-il avalé sa femme? Comment Thésée a-t-il défait les Amazones et sauvé Athènes? Qui se cache derrière...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
19,90 zł


Ladybird Readers Level 2
Wydawca: Ladybird
Dinosaurs lived on Earth in the past. Some dinosaurs liked plants, some liked meat. Some dinosaurs were big and some dinosaurs were small! Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,05 zł
24,00 zł

Do You Know? Level 1 - Robots

Wydawca: Ladybird
Recommended for children aged 5+, Do You Know? is a series of levelled non-fiction books featuring video content, project work and critical-thinking activities. Each book asks a range of BIG questi...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
17,05 zł
29,00 zł

Do You Know? Level 3 Electric World

Wydawca: Ladybird
Recommended for children aged 5+, Do You Know? is a series of levelled non-fiction books featuring video content, project work and critical-thinking activities. Each book asks a range of BIG ...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
17,23 zł
29,00 zł

Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre

Autor: Moliere
Wydawca: Librio
Dom Juan accumule les conquêtes amoureuses. Après avoir arraché Done Elvire au couvent, il abuse de la naïveté de Charlotte la veille de ses noces et trahit Mathurin...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
11,50 zł

Don Quixote

Wydawca: Wordsworth
Cervantes’ tale of the deranged gentleman who turns knight-errant, tilts at windmills and battles with sheep in the service of the lady of his dreams, Dulcinea del Toboso, has fascinated gene...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
13,08 zł
21,00 zł

Don't Work For The Money, Let The Money Work For You

Wydawca: Stratton Press
You're working so hard for the money, and may still be getting nowhere! Stop working for the money, and start letting the money work for you with biblical principles and promises!...
do koszyka
19,70 zł

Down and Out in Paris and London

Autor: George Orwell
Wydawca: Wordsworth
With an Introduction by Dr Sally Minogue and Notes by David Rampton, Department of English, University of OttowaGeorge Orwell is a difficult author to summarize. He was a would-be revol...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,00 zł
21,00 zł

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Wydawca: Vintage
Dr Jekyll has been experimenting with his identity. He has developed a drug which separates the two sides of his nature and allows him occasionally to abandon himself to his most corrupt inclinatio...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,86 zł
17,00 zł

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

with The Merry Men & Other Stories
Wydawca: Wordsworth
In seeking to discover his inner self, the brilliant Dr Jekyll discovers a monster. First published to critical acclaim in 1886, this mesmerising thriller is a terrifying study of the duality of ma...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
19,68 zł
21,00 zł


Autor: Bram Stoker
Wydawca: Wordsworth
'There he lay looking as if youth had been half-renewed, for the white hair and moustache were changed to dark iron-grey, the cheeks were fuller, and the white skin seemed ruby-red underneath; the ...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
14,15 zł
21,00 zł


Autor: Bram Stoker
Wydawca: Vintage
Collected inside this book are diary entries, letters and newspaper clippings that piece together the depraved story of the ultimate predator. A young lawyer on an assignment finds himself imprison...
Książka (miękka)
do koszyka
13,66 zł
21,00 zł
Znaleziono: 893
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