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Topical Issues of Future Teachers Training in Ukraine

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  • Druk: Lublin, 2014

  • Redakcja naukowa: Joanna Konashewska, Mariya Chepil, Oresta Karpenko

  • Wydawca: UMCS

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Cena katalogowa: 33,60 zł
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Dostępność: online po opłaceniu
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Topical Issues of Future Teachers Training in Ukraine

The principal tasks of pedagogues are the democratization and humanization of educational process; the introduction of innovations, alternative forms of studying; providing the professional self-realization of future teacher, the formation of his qualification level, attraction to independent activity, the development of creative skills by means of theoretical projects elaboration, unlocking creativity, defining personal position; the revival of scholar school activity, students’ scientific circles etc. The organization of teachers training in higher pedagogical institutions of Ukraine remains an open problem. That’s why the researchers’ adverting to various aspects of teachers training in higher educational institutions will give an opportunity to estimate the pedagogical science acquisitions in a new way, use them for the formation and improvement of new educational technologies. All these aspects with different intensity are represented in the collection of scientific articles Topical Issues of Future Teachers Training in Ukraine.

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Preface  9


Svetlana Babushko, Training of trainers for adults employed in tourism industry  15
Svitlana Bilozerska, Psychological factors of training a future teacher   25
Liudmyla Blazhko, Inna Rossokha, Valentyna Strilets, Some aspects of technical high school teacher professional training  31
Mariya Chepil, Educational innovations in modern educational space of Ukraine (Theoretical and methodological aspects)   37
Vladyslav Fadyeyev, Mechanism of the management of the system of educational resources of the higher education of Ukraine   45
Nina Hordienko, Competent approach to social teacher training in present circumstances of university education   51
Victoriya Hryn’ko, Oleksandr Koshelev, The algorithm of psychological and pedagogical support of the teacher of HEI  59
Vitaliy Omelyanenko, Pedagogical foundations of the formation of innovative culture in the context of innovation internationalization  69
Nataliya Pazyura, Characteristics of pedagogical personnel and their role in corporate training in Japan   77
Irina Svintsitska, Features of the legislative providing of legal education of students in higher education establishments of Ukraine   85
Mariya Skorobogatova, The formation of research-pedagogical education in the universities of Ukraine   91
Alla Yatsyuryk, Psychological characteristics of the creativeness of a teacher of the third thousand years   97


Nataliya Grytsai, Methodical mastery as an index of high level of the future biology teachers’ professional training   109
Oresta Karpenko, Professional SOS-mothers training in the context of the European integration  115
Iryna Kovchyna, Training technologies of socio-legal protection of population for future social workers  125
Nataliya Marakhovska, Conducting a pedagogical workshop for molding professional identity of prospective foreign language teachers   131
Kvitoslava Matiychuk, E-learning as a means of independent learning of the future foreign language teachers in the context of the European integration  137
Elena Mikheeva, Formation of professional competence of future teachers while learning the discipline “teaching support of preschool childhood”   147
Nataliya Mykhalchuk, The peculiarities of culturally oriented teaching students a foreign language  153
Liudmyla Oderiy, Anatoliy Rozdimakha, Psycho-pedagogical aspects of studying the problems of capacity forming to the estimation of reality by means of art   163
Nataliya Pakhomova, Motivation as the main criteria acquirement of integrative medical and psychological and pedagogical knowledge   171
Liudmyla Ponomareno, Methodical bases of research on pedagogical competence of parents-educators of family type orphanage   181
Marina Prokofieva, The problem of the development and implementation of the future primary school teachers’ training model to the younger students’ teaching on the basis of differential approach   189
Valeriya Raskalinos, Features of usage of special seminars in training of social teachers “professional reflection of social teacher”  197
Svitlana Sayapina, Psychological-pedagogical principles of realization of the intersubject connections in the future teacher training   203
Ganna Tsvetkova, The component-structural analysis of professional self-perfection of high school teachers of humanitarian specialities  209
Оlena Ustymenko-Kosorich, Professional training of button accordion players and accordionists in Serbian music schools of academic and national type   217
Liudmyla Vlasenko, Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning  225
Markiyan Yarka, The problem of subject topical training specialization of valeology in the context of European education standards and scientific integration progress   231

Information about authors   237

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