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Un drame en Livonie

Autor: Jules Verne
«Un drame en Livonie» est un roman de Jules Verne dont le thème principal est la confrontation de deux partis au conseil municipal de Riga: le parti «slave», soutenu ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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Gwiazda Południa

Autor: Jules Verne
Powieść dwóch współautorów Paschala Grousseta (ps. André Laurie) i Juliusza Verne’a z cyklu „Niezwykłe podróże”. Powieść odznacza się wartką akc...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Autor: Jules Verne
The book has a lot of scientific component from various fields: geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, physics. But everything is very accessible and understandable. The plot focuses on a explorat...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Around the Moon

Autor: Jules Verne
The science fiction story describes the adventures of three friends: the founder of the Cannon Club, Impi Barbicane, captain Nicolas and the daredevil Michel Ardan. Travelers make a five-day flight...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

De la Terre à la Lune

Autor: Jules Verne
Ceci est le premier roman de la série d’aventures du Cannon Club. Les événements se déroulent immédiatement après la fin de la guerre civile aux &Eac...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

Autour de la Lune

Autor: Jules Verne
Le conte de science-fiction décrit les aventures de trois amis: le fondateur du Cannon Club, Impee Barbicane, le capitaine Nicolas et le courageux Michel Ardant. Les voyageurs effectuent un ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Robur the Conqueror

Autor: Jules Verne
The stolen trinity of American heroes flies around the globe on a screw machine heavier than air: from Philadelphia – through Canada and the Far West – to Japan, China, India; through R...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Master of the World

Autor: Jules Verne
In the first part of the story, the brave inventor Robur sets off on a world tour on a giant helicopter „Albatross” in order to prove the superiority of aircraft heavier than air over b...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

An Antarctic Mystery

Autor: Jules Verne
There are no unusual birds, mysterious figures and other things in the same spirit. But there are Antarctic seas, such as they were known at the end of the 19th century. There are several people wh...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Autor: Jules Verne
This time, the author pays attention to marine life. And how beautiful this world is! How many colors are hidden under the water column, how many mysteries, to which you can add the mysteries of th...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Blockade Runners

Autor: Jules Verne
The Civil War is tearing apart the North American United States. The Union Fleet blocked the Confederate seacoast, interrupting all sea trade, and European merchants suffer big losses from this. On...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł


Autor: Jules Verne
In the story, the heroes of one of his most famous books about a trip to the moon, enterprising Americans, gather again to use their huge guns. But for what? In order for the recoil from the cannon...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

The Survivors of the Chancellor

Diary of J.R. Kazallon, Passenger
Autor: Jules Verne
The book „Chansler. The Diary of a Passenger by J.-R. Casallon” – Jules Verne is based on real events, which gives her great interest. The theme of sea voyage of ships is one of t...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł


Autor: Jules Verne
The whaling schooner with an incomplete crew returns to America, after not very successful trades. On board is the owner’s wife with the child, their cousin Benedict, an analogue of Paganel a...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Pearl of Lima

A Story of True Love
Autor: Jules Verne
This is a short romantic romance. „The Pearl of Lima” – one of the lesser-known works of Verne, and for good reason. This is one of his short novels, with a very simplified plot &...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras

Autor: Jules Verne
„"The Forward Brig"” sailed from Liverpool Port with eighteen crew members on board. But neither during the sailing, nor even for a long time after him, none of them knew the ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Mysterious Island

Autor: Jules Verne
A storm, an eruption of a volcano, pirate attacks, a mysterious captain Nemo and, of course, a story of survival on a piece of land in the ocean are interwoven into the adventurous plot of the nove...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

From the Earth to the Moon

Autor: Jules Verne
During the years of the American Civil War, the Cannon Club was founded in Baltimore, the participants of which were engaged in the invention and production of more and more powerful and modern art...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Dick Sand

Or, A Captain at Fifteen
Autor: Jules Verne
The novel describes the adventures of passengers of the American whaling schooner brig „Pilgrim”, whose entire crew died as a result of a fight with a whale. It all started like that. T...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Around the World in Eighty Days

Autor: Jules Verne
The hero of the novel, Phileas Fogg, made a bet that he would be able to circumnavigate the globe from west to east in no more than 80 days, given the technical capabilities of 19th century transpo...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Godfrey Morgan

A Californian Mystery
Autor: Jules Verne
Godfrey Morgan, the young nephew of „a strikingly rich man” William Kolderup and his future heir, believes that his life is extremely boring. He would like to fill her with adventures a...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

In Search of the Castaways

Or, The Children of Captain Grant
Autor: Jules Verne
„Children of Captain Grant” is one of the best novels of the outstanding French writer Jules Verne, a wonderful example of a classic work of youthful literature. From the book, the read...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon

Autor: Jules Verne
The daughter of the wealthy owner of the hacienda Joam Garral marries, and the whole family accompanies the bride and groom on a trip to the wedding venue. The giant raft, the genghada, will serve ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Facing the Flag

Autor: Jules Verne
The flag of the homeland, tells the story of Tom Rock, the inventor of a devastating means of tremendous power. The desire to cash in on his invention makes Rock crazy, and his” fulgurator &b...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

Michael Strogoff

Or, The Courier of the Czar
Autor: Jules Verne
The hero of the novel, courier Mikhail Strogov, on behalf of the emperor sets off on a long journey from Moscow to Irkutsk through Siberia, captured by the „Tatars’ uprising” in o...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

Off on a Comet

Or, Hector Servadac
Autor: Jules Verne
Jules Verne’s novel „Hector Servadac” tells about the adventures of the captain of the French troops and his friends, who, as a result of an unprecedented disaster, fell on a frag...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Der Findling

Autor: Jules Verne
Der Findling ist ein Roman des französischen Autors Jules Verne, der in Irland zum Auflauf des 19. Jahrhunderts spielt. Zu dieser Zeit war Irland von der Armut, der Menschenverachtung und der ...
eBook (epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Robur le Conquérant

Autor: Jules Verne
Les événements commencent par des phénomènes étranges, lorsque de nombreux habitants, tant de l’Ancien que du Nouveau Monde, entendent des mélodies n...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l’Afrique australe

Autor: Jules Verne
Après avoir reçu des nouvelles du début de la guerre entre la Russie et la Grande-Bretagne, l’expédition s’est scindée en deux parties: russe et angla...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Les Tribulations d’un Chinois en Chine

Autor: Jules Verne
Jeune riche et ennuyé, Arthur a reçu de la vie tout ce qu’il pouvait et s’est désintéressé d’elle. Par conséquent, il joue courageusement...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Une ville flottante

Autor: Jules Verne
L’œuvre est illustrée de nombreux dessins d’artistes français issus des éditions de l’écrivain. Dans le roman «Floating Island», l&rs...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Mistress Branican

Autor: Jules Verne
L’histoire de l’épouse du capitaine, qui a pris la mer et n’est pas revenue. Le mari de Mme Branichen, le capitaine John Branichen, est porté disparu. Personne ne cr...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Les Indes noires

Autor: Jules Verne
Histoire romantique fascinante. Dans les montagnes écossaises, il existe un système développé de mines de charbon appelé „Les Indes noires”. Dans les ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

L’Étoile du sud

Autor: Jules Verne
Dans le roman «L’Étoile du sud», le lecteur se familiarisera avec l’histoire fascinante des recherches et le destin de l’un des plus gros diamants découv...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Vingt mille lieues sous les mers

Autor: Jules Verne
Un objet inhabituel a commencé à apparaître pour les marins, dépassant la baleine par sa vitesse et sa taille. Les journaux, et ensuite les scientifiques, se sont int&eac...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Un billet de loterie

Autor: Jules Verne
Le thème principal de l’œuvre est l’histoire touchante de l’amour romantique d’un homme et d’une femme vivant en Norvège. Ils s’appellent Gul...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

César Cascabel

Autor: Jules Verne
Dans le roman „César Cascabel”, il est décrit les dangers complets liés au voyage de la famille d’un artiste itinérant à travers les État...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

L’Archipel en feu

Autor: Jules Verne
Le livre nous emmène dans le premier quart du XIXe siècle, peu avant la libération de la Grèce du pouvoir des Turcs. Les Grecs se battent avec les esclaves turcs pour le...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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24,90 zł

Un Hivernage dans les glaces

Autor: Jules Verne
L’un des personnages principaux – Louis Kornbut, capitaine du navire, a vu le navire de détresse des Norvégiens. Il est allé le secourir sur le bateau, mais il a lu...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Maître du monde

Autor: Jules Verne
Sur les routes des États-Unis, une mystérieuse voiture a été repérée qui roule deux fois plus vite que n’importe quelle voiture de course. Au large d...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł
Znaleziono: 81
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