The Board Game Family


Reclaim your children from the screen

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The Board Game Family

In The Board Game Family: Reclaim your children from the screen, Ellie Dix offers a roadmap to integrating board gaming into family life and presents inspiring ways to engage even the trickiest of teenagers and manage game nights with flair.

Many parents feel as if they are competing with screens for their children’s attention. As their kids get older, they become more distant – leading parents to worry about the quality of the already limited time they share. They yearn for tech-free time in which to reconnect, but don’t know how to shift the balance.

In The Board Game Family, teacher and educationalist Ellie Dix aims to help fellow parents by inviting them and their families into the unplugged and irresistible world of board games. The benefits of board gaming are far-reaching: playing games develops interpersonal skills, boosts confidence, improves memory formation and cognitive ability, and refines problem-solving and decision-making skills.

With these rewards in mind, Ellie shares a wealth of top tips and stealthy strategies that parents can draw upon to unleash the potential of those dusty game boxes at the back of the cupboard and become teachers of outstanding gamesmanship – equipped to navigate the unfolding drama of competition, thwart the common causes of arguments and bind together a happier, more socially cohesive family unit.

The book contains useful tips on the practicalities of getting started and offers valuable guidance on how parents can build a consensus with their children around establishing a set of house rules that ensure fair play. Ellie also eloquently explains the ‘metagame’ and the key elements of gamification (the application of game-playing principles to everyday life), and describes how a healthy culture of competition and good gamesmanship can strengthen relationships.

Furthermore, Ellie draws upon her vast knowledge to talk readers through the different types of board games available – for example, time-bound or narrative-based games – so that they can identify those that they feel would best suit their family’s tastes. The book complements these insights with a comprehensive appendix of 100+ game descriptions, where each entry includes a brief overview of the game and provides key information about game length, player count and its mechanics.

Ideal for all parents of 8–18-year-olds who want to breathe new life into their family time.

  • Sposób dostarczenia produktu fizycznego
    Sposoby i terminy dostawy:
    • Kurier DPD - dostawa 1 dzień roboczy
    • Punkty odbioru DPD - dostawa 1 dzień roboczy
    • InPost Paczkomaty 24/7 - dostawa 1 dzień roboczy
    • ORLEN Paczka - dostawa 1 dzień roboczy
    • Odbiór w Punktach Poczta, Żabka - dostawa 2 dni robocze
    • Pocztex (dostawa do domu lub pracy) - dostawa 2 dni robocze
    • Odbiór osobisty w księgarni PWN - dostawa 2-3 dni robocze
    Ważne informacje:
    Czas oczekiwania na zamówiony towar = czas wysyłki produktu + dostawa przez przewoźnika
    • Całkowity czas oczekiwania na realizację zamówienia jest sumą czasu wysyłki podanej na stronie każdego produktu oraz czasu potrzebnego przewoźnikowi na dostarczenie paczki. Podane terminy dotyczą zawsze dni roboczych (od poniedziałku do piątku, z wyłączeniem dni wolnych od pracy).
    • Wysyłkę zamówień prowadzimy jedynie na terenie Polski.
    • Dostawa do Księgarni PWN, punktów ORLEN Paczka, stacji Orlen, sklepów Żabka oraz Paczkomatów InPost nie jest realizowana dla zamówień z płatnością przy odbiorze.
    • Cena towaru na fakturze VAT jest podwyższona o ewentualny koszt transportu.
    • W przypadku zamówienia kilku towarów koszt przesyłki wybranej przez Klienta zostanie podzielony i przyporządkowany proporcjonalnie do cen kupionych produktów.
    • Produkty dostępne w PRZEDSPRZEDAŻY wysyłane są po dacie premiery wydawniczej.

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