Victory and Discernment Through the Fruit of the Spirit


Recognizing and Understanding True and False Doctrine to Help Us to Walk in the Power of the Holy Spirit

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Victory and Discernment Through the Fruit of the Spirit

Victory and Discernment Though the Fruit of the Spirit—this reality can be our hope and encouragement for living with a winning strategy in our lives if we repent and accept God's forgiveness in our hearts.

As individuals now, in the past, and in the future, we are involved in a spiritual battle of good versus evil. Satan and his cohorts are our enemy. Jesus is our Savior and Provider who loves us unconditionally. As we battle daily against false beliefs and philosophies promoted by false Christs, teachers, and those who are uninformed regarding the truth of God's Word, we can have victory in our lives. We do not need to be deceived or led astray.

Understanding the fruit of the Spirit prevents us from being confused or deceived and enables us to defeat our enemies spiritually. Victory is winning a battle, struggle, or contest. It is being successful in defeating an enemy. Discernment is being able to see or recognize. With discernment and victory, we can have good judgement and understanding of God's Word and will for us.

The purpose of this book is to help those who read it to distinguish the difference between true believers in Christ and false believers in Christ and to recognize the difference between true and false apostles regarding their teachings.

There is clarification of how the fruit of the Spirit operates in a person's life. This clarification is accomplished by the discernment given to us by the Holy Spirit. When you look at the opposite fruit of each of the good fruit (love vs. hate), you will see the truth that 'by their fruits you will know them.'

The knowledge here is geared to those who have accepted Christ and to those who have not accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

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