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Les Misérables

Autor: Victor Hugo
One of the best classic novels in world literature. Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavrosh – the names of the heroes of the novel have long become common nouns, the number of its readers for a centur...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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31,41 zł
34,90 zł

Success with Feng Shui

Autor: Beata Kurzyna
Feng shui masters can use their powers to boost financial success not only for institutions, such as banks, but also for individuals. Even when our fate seems to be sealed, we can still change it t...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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30,90 zł
34,33 zł


„For the TOUGH TIMES” is another cooking book written by Maria Siecińska, a famous youtuber from the Gotuj z Maszką channel. This book contains many recipes that will surely come in ha...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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27,26 zł
30,29 zł

Adventures of Redhead

This book is about adventure and willingness to discover foreign cultures as well as the inner self. Little Redhead is visiting various faraway lands. In each, she meets fortune-telling creatures. ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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27,26 zł
30,29 zł

The Door

Let’s ask you, as a potential adventurer preparing to hop to some other world, every difficult question there is. Family, credit card debt, career, fear, the need for comfort — admit, ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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39,98 zł
44,42 zł


Pembroke is a novel about the work and dynamics of a small town, in this case a small town in New England. Freeman treats each character individually and devotes a lot of time to their individualit...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

By the Light of the Soul

Mary’s mother was from New England and her conscience was abnormally active. Her father was from New Jersey, and his conscience, although no one would dare to say that she was flawed, did not...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The English Puritans

Autor: John Brown
Książka na temat ruchu religijnego purytan. Purytańska moralność znaczy tyle, ile surowa obyczajowość, a nią właśnie purytanie drażnili i imponowali. Tak silnie, że wyrażenie to pozostaje z nami w ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
36,34 zł
40,38 zł

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc

Autor: Mark Twain
The name of Joan of Arc became a legend: an illiterate village girl, standing at the head of the French army, delivered her country from English rule and enthroned the king, who later betrayed her....
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

On the Makaloa Mat

Autor: Jack London
The storybook „On the Makaloa Mat” tells the story of the lives of natives and whites in the Hawaiian Islands. The story, which gave the name to this brilliant collection, is considered...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Mark of Cain

Autor: Carolyn Wells
In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, renowned mystery writer Carolyn Wells strays from the enclaves of the well-to-do that usually serve as the settings for her novels and introduces elements of gri...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Boy Tramps

Or, Across Canada
Published in 1896 by a Canadian author of juvenile fiction James MacDonald Oxley (1855-1907), „The Boy Tramps Or, Across Canada” features adventures across Canada. Born in Halifax, Nova...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

The Four Pools Mystery

Autor: Jean Webster
This is a good old murder mystery, full of ghosts and everything else, and it will definitely keep the reader on the edge of their place. Terry is a really funny character. He is definitely the you...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

New Arabian Nights

In the collection „New Arabian Nights”, the descriptions of the adventures of the fantastic prince of Bohemia are replaced by the mysterious atmosphere of the „Pavilion on the Hil...
eBook (mobi, epub)
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22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Baron Olson och andra historier

”Baron Olsson och andra historier” är en samling korta, blandade kåserier om klurigheter, dårskaper, fåfänga, girighet mm.
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Mor i Sutre

Med många tillbakablickar och sidoskildringar så utspelar sig romanen under en enda dag vid gästgiveriet i Sutre. Huvudpersonen, krögerskan som enbart benämns „Mor ...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Svarta fanor

Sedeskildringar fran sekelskiftet
Boken är en satir över det samtida Sveriges radikala författare, som kallade sig själva Det unga Sverige, och en av den svenska litteraturens mest kända och beryktade nycke...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Götiska rummen

Släktöden fran sekelslutet
Götiska rummen lanserades som en fortsättning på Strindbergs genombrottsroman „Röda rummet”. Götiska rummen lanserades som en fortsättning på Strind...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

Дни Турбиных

Пьеса посвящена переломному моменту истории России – революции и Гражданской войне, раз и навсегда изменившим жизнь русской интеллигенции. Это произведение в гораздо большей степени было реал...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł

En herrgårdssägen

En herrgårdssägen är en bok av den svenska författaren Selma Lagerlöf. Berättelsen beskriver en ung kvinnas kamp för att rädda studenten Gunnar Hede ur hans...
eBook (mobi, epub)
do koszyka
22,41 zł
24,90 zł
Znaleziono: 857
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