In Life Before Life psychologist Helen Wambach asked 750 subjects under hypnosis about their pre-birth memories. Questions included: "Did you choose to be born?"&...więcej »
Former political and war correspondent, Karen Frances McCarthy, was on assignment when she received the news that her partner had suddenly died in New York. Skeptical by nature and numbed by the...więcej »
What happened in the Whiteshell Forest near Falcon Lake on May 20, 1967? For the first time in 50 years, the many facets of this astonishing tale finally come together. Noted UFO researcher Chri...więcej »
Most of us at the very least wonder about our own immortality and many people are convinced that there is something beyond death, beyond the blackness of the grave. In Western Judaeo-Christian cult...więcej »
First published in 1987, when it spent four weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, Intruders remains one of the most powerful and influential books ever written on the c...więcej »
This book is about the stranger reaches of extraordinary experience research. In these pages an intrepid cast of writers, investigators and academics explore the complexities of extraordina...więcej »
In the twenty first century many people would agree that more fruit and vegetables and less meat is the way to a healthy diet. Scientific studies often publish statistics comparing meat eaters with...więcej »
This is the Amazing Story of the Enfield Poltergeist
On August 31st 1977, normal life ended for Mrs Harper and her four children in their modest council house in a hitherto quiet corner of the nor...więcej »
REVISED AND UPDATED EDITIONIn the little known and controversial world of physical mediumship, Stewart Alexander is probably the least controversial and most respected am...więcej »
During his 50 years of psychical research, Sir William Fletcher Barrett (February 10, 1884 - May 26, 1925) observed many types of phenomena. In his reminiscences, read at a private meeting of the ...więcej »
John Mack explored alien encounter experiences deeply, revealing a world of meaning and power that can revolutionize our understanding of who we are and our place in the cosmos. Dr. Mack suggests t...więcej »
'Revelations of Divine Love' by Julian of Norwich is the first book written in English by a woman. But the work is read now not for historical interest but for the God she describes and the optimis...więcej »
Rebecca Ruter Springer was 29 when the American Civil War started in 1861. When the war ended five years later, 620,000 soldiers and countless civilians lay dead. It is not surprising, therefore...więcej »
Reader's note
This is an abridged version of Swedenborg's original, which is about twice the length. When deciding what to omit, avoidance of repetition was usually the determining factor. Even in...więcej »
Reincarnation as a Scientific Concept focuses on the question of whether reincarnation should be recognized as a serious subject by the contemporary scientific community.After a ...więcej »
Originally published in 1981, this pioneering work by Budd Hopkins was the first focused study of an enigma that would come to captivate the world and challenge our understanding of the universe...więcej »