The Understanding Factor in Modern Education
The global crisis of worldview, the loss of control over the development of progress and its own evolution is the result of a change in the way of comprehending existence with the dangerous and unconscious subordination of man to the essence of technology. Information-reproductive education is not only a mechanism for transmitting ready-made, alienated knowledge, but also a technology for the socially controlled production of intelligence, which identifies thinking and acquired skills, education and learning, understanding and operationality, education and socialization. The education system is responsible for the "flight from thinking," alienation from creativity, deactualization of understanding, degradation of awareness of being, and the development of an anthropological crisis. Contemporary humanity has found itself in a situation where it is necessary to reconsider the entire system of "intelligence production" and to discover a new way of sociocultural (self-)organization of the educational process. What kind of education for the twenty-first century can education be in order to preserve man as a spiritually thinking and creative essence open to being?