The Chela and the Path


Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age

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The Chela and the Path

Paradoxically, little biographical information of a traditional nature is available about El Morya Khan, perhaps the most renowned of the Tibetan mahatmas. It is known that he was born a Rajput prince in the Indian class of warriors and rulers, esteemed for their courage and honor. The date of his birth is uncertain.

What makes the life of El Morya so notable is his far reaching work in merging the ancient spiritual truths of the East with the traditions of the West. He accomplished this largely by founding the Theosophical Society with the adept Koot Hoomi in 1875 and by releasing instruction through that organization. El Morya’s instruction came in part in the form of personal letters addressed to a handful of disciples, or chelas, of the “Mahatma of the Himavat.” These letters are now on file wtih the British Museum in London.

The society’s literature also contains awe-filled testimonies of the few Theosophists visted by El Morya, who for the most part preferred to remain unidentified by the outer world. The accounts of these disciples reveal that many strove for even the slightest contact with this Himalayan adept.

Now, however, the precious teaching of El Morya, given through his Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, is available to all who would learn from the Master. In The Chela and the Path, El Morya clearly points the way for all who aspire to a higher level of consciousness and spirituality. With insights and meditations that the earnest seeker of truth can ill afford to be without, The Chela and the Path is personal instruction from the heart and mind of El Morya to you.

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