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Work, Enterprise, Career in the English Language, Literature and Culture

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  • Druk: 2016

  • Autor: Marek Błaszak

  • Wydawca: CeDeWu

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Cena katalogowa: 61,00 zł
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Dostępność: online po opłaceniu
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Work, Enterprise, Career in the English Language, Literature and Culture

This monograph focuses on the ever topical issues of work, enterprise and career in the English language, literature and culture.

Its first part is devoted to language studies and analyses the metaphors of work in the English translation of the Polish Kodeks pracy, the functioning of modal expressions in the UK's Employment Rights Acts of 1996, and the problems that legal terms and expressions pose for Polish translators; the fourth chapter examines manifold aspects involved in designing ESP courses that should substantially enhance students' career prospects.

Literary studies deal with the issues of women's work in Charlotte Brontë's Shirley, and social and professional advancement in John Braine's Room at the Top, as well as the process of professionalisation of literary creation in 18th-century England.

Texts under the heading "culture" examine modern factories in the Victorian Age and their vindication by Andrew Ure, labour market in 19th-century outcast London, servants and their work as presented by Mary Beeton, and the successful career of Florence Nightingale who transformed nursing into a modern profession available for women.

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From the Editor 9

Part One:

1. Metaphors of WORK in legal text. A cognitive linguistics approach - Tomasz P. Górski 15
Introduction 15
1.1. The classical view and its challenge 16
1.2. Cognitive metaphor 18
1.3. Using metaphors 24
1.4. The lexeme WORK 25
1.5. Conceptual metaphors of WORK 27
1.5.1. WORK IS A JOURNEY (example 1) 29
1.5.2. WORK IS A MARRIAGE (example 2) 29
1.5.3. WORK IS A (MOVEABLE) OBJECT (example 3) 30
1.5.4. WORK IS A LIVING ORGANISM (example 4) 30
1.5.5. WORK IS A CONTAINER (example 5) 31
1.5.6. WORK IS A PLANT (example 5) 32
Conclusions and future prospects 32
Works Cited 33

2. On the usage of linguistic modalities in legal texts on the basis of UK's Employment Rights Act of 1996 - Katarzyna Gęborys 35
Introduction 36
2.1. The roles of modals and functions of their propositional attitudes 36
2.1.1. Epistemic modality 38
2.1.2. Deontic modality 39
2.1.3. Alethic modality 40
2.2. On the consequences of misinterpretation of legal texts in the context of modal verbs exponents 41
2.2.1. Shall as the exponent of obligations 42
2.2.2. Must as the exponent of internal obligation 43
2.2.3. Have to as a form of intrinsic obligation 44
2.2.4. May as an exponent of permission or possibility 44
2.2.5. Can as a manifestation of implied ability 45
Final remarks 46
Works Cited 47

3. Some problematic issues of legal terminology in English and Polish on the example of UK's Employment Rights Act of 1996 - Katarzyna Gęborys 49
Introduction 49
3.1. On the concept of discourse and discursive communication in legal discourse 50
3.2. On the concept of employment relationship in the context of British legal system 50
3.3. The language of law defined 51
3.4. Translation of legal terms 52
3.5. Equivalence decoded 53
3.6. The analysis of problematic terms in the context of principles of British employment law 55
3.6.1. Contractual relations 55
3.6.2. Part I Employment particulars 56
3.6.3. Part II Protection of wages 57
3.6.4. Part 2A Zero hours workers 58
3.6.5. Part III Guarantee payments 58
3.6.6. Part IV Sunday working for shop and betting workers 58
3.6.7. Part V Protection from suffering detriment in employment 59
3.6.8. Part VII Suspension from work 59
3.6.9. Part X Unfair dismissal 60
3.6.10. Part X Insolvency of employers 60
Concluding remarks 60
Works Cited 61

4. Enhancing students' career prospects through up-to-date English for Specific Purposes (ESP) syllabi - Ewa Bułat 63
4.1. Demand for specialist English courses and study programmes 63
4.2. The demands of teaching ESP and the role of the ESP teacher 65
4.3. ESP course design 68
4.3.1. Needs analysis 68
4.3.2. Developing a syllabus 69
4.3.3. The ESP practitioner as materials provider 74
Conclusions 75
Works Cited 76

Part Two:

5. "I never saw a more industrious girl": Representation of women's work in Charlotte Brontë's Shirley - Agnieszka Setecka 81
Works Cited 90

6. A man of career, or the working-class hero Joe Lampton makes it to the top - Marek Błaszak 91
Works Cited 100

7. The representation of the professionalisation of authorship in eighteenth-century English literature - Joanna Maciulewicz 101
Works Cited 108

Part Three:

8. Man against the machine. Andrew Ure's visions of the factory and factory labour - Małgorzata Nitka 113
Works Cited 130

9. The labour market in outcast London of the 19th century - Bojana Bujwid-Sadowska 133
9.1. Economic theories 134
9.2. Labour market and its variability 135
9.3. The ways of economising labour 138
9.4. The diversity of London's labour market 139
Conclusions 142
Works Cited 143

10. Servants and their work in Beeton's Book of Household Management (1861) - Wojciech Nowicki 145
Works Cited 155

11. Florence Nightingale as a Victorian career woman - Ilona Dobosiewicz 157
Works Cited 164

Notes on Contributors 167


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